Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Honk, honk!

The early warm weather is killing me. My allergies have not been this bad since I lived in another state which will not be named. And being the physical specimen I am; I can't take allergy medication. It wires the hell out of me and makes me jittery for days. No please make me drowsy. So the running was ~ 13 miles for the week. Less than a former one day total back in the day.
The big news around the house is the new pup, P3 or cube for short. She is a good girl so far letting us sleep thru the night. She and PJ have been playing up a snow storm and every now and then PJ must show her who is Alpha. That's when the yelping starts and goes on for a few minutes. But all in all things are going well on that end. My end is just staying BIG.

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